Use this Amish Friendship Bread Pie Crust recipe to bake your favorite seasonal fruit pie!
We love finding so many different uses for our one cup of Amish Friendship Bread Starter, and this Amish Friendship Bread Pie Crust recipe was shared with us by Kitchen Friend Jennifer Werth and is one of the most popular and innovative ways to make the most of what you have.
After you separate the Amish Friendship Bread Pie Crust into balls, it can be wrapped and refrigerated for several weeks or even frozen. Rolling dough out several times will not affect it.
Kitchen Friend Jennifer Werth added this helpful hint she learned from her grandmother: When making a juicy berry pie, sprinkle the bottom crust lightly with sugar and flour mixed in equal parts. This keeps the bottom crust from becoming soggy before the pie can be completely eaten.
Use this delicious crust to make your favorite pies, like homemade apple pie, peach pie, or these savory little tartlets.
Amish Friendship Bread Pie Crust
- 1 cup Amish Friendship Bread Starter
- 2 cups shortening
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 4 cups flour
- 1 egg
- Add shortening, flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together in a medium sized bowl and mix well.
- Beat the egg in a small bowl and add it to the Amish Friendship Bread Starter.
- Add the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and mix together.
- Divide crust into 4 equal balls, and roll out into the shape your pie tin or pan requires, making sure that the crust is slightly bigger than your tin.
- Press into the bottom of your pie tin.
- Bake according to your favorite pie recipe.
>> Have you tried this? Share your best pic with us or leave a comment below and let us know how it worked for you!
Please include instructions for baking the crust (as for quiche, which uses a precooked pie crust, not raw). Which also brings up the quantity here- I really only need one crust, not four! Best way to scale down?
Yummy! I subbed butter and only made 1/4 recipe for 1 pie (omitted egg) but it still worked!
So glad this recipe worked for you, Johanna!
Am I able to freeze or refrigerate this dough for future use? As I plan to only make 1 pie.
Hi Ashley! We haven’t tried freezing this dough in particular, but it should work to freeze! Here’s a great post we found that may help with how to freeze/thaw pie crust:,to%20the%20normal%20bake%20time.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Is the baking powder necessary for use in a pie crust? I need to limit the amount of phosphorus in recipes, but would really like to try this recipe.
Hi Susan! We haven’t tried this recipe without the baking powder, but an easy way to substitute commercial baking powder (that’s high in phosphorus) is to make your own phosphorus-free baking powder. All you need is cream of tarter and baking soda, but here is a recipe for it, as well:
Thank you! Ill try that. I may try it without any baking powder sometime, just to see! I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Sounds good and good luck! We look forward to hearing how it goes!
I used3 cups of whole wheat flour and 2 cups of all purpose flour (I think I had more than 1 cup of starter so I added extra flour to make the proper consistency. I made Strawberry Walnut Hand Pies: 1 can (21 oz) Strawberry Pie Filling, 1/2 cup crushed walnuts and 1/4 tsp cinnamon. Cut 4″ circles, 1 heaping tsp filling in middle. Brush beaten egg wash on edges. Fold in half, crimp edge with a fork and poke fork holes on top for venting. Place on parchment lined cookie sheet. Brush top with egg wash and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. (I made 22 pies, 2 cookie sheets.)350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Yummy!
I still had some filling and dough left. Rolled out crust for 9″ pie, placed in pie pan and trimmed edges. Filled with left over filling and poured another can of filling on top. Cut out diamond shapes for top. Brushed with egg wash and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. 350 degree oven for 35 minutes
(I sent you some pictures)
That sounds delicious, Andrea! Thanks for sharing!
Outstanding! I consider myself above average in the kitchen, but pie crusts have always evaded me. Even under my aunt’s careful eye, my pie crusts failed. Not this time! This will be my go-to pie crust from now on. THANK YOU!
This is great to hear, Lisa! I love Amish Friendship Bread successes! Please share a photo next time — I’d love to see it! 🙂
What is your preferred shortening for pie crust? I live at 8K feet elevation….
The fats are not affected by elevation. I live at 5,500 ft and the adjustments I make are to liquid, leavening and sugar.
What oven temperature to bake the pie?
Hi Jennie! Your baking temperature is going to depend on what kind of pie you are making. A fruit pie is going to require a longer baking time and a different baking temperature than a pot pie or a pudding pie crust. You can use this Amish Friendship Bread Pie Crust recipe to make your favorite pie, but when it comes to baking time and temperature, check the recipe for the particular kind of pie that you are making. Hope this helps!
I shared it with my sister-in-law, her kids, and the whole family – it was a hit!